Thursday, January 17, 2013


anyone that doesn't know that the agenda of socialists,liberals,greenies,and other left wing nuts is to take away all guns is smoking a little too much.Any policeman,or service man will tell you that limiting magazine rounds is NUTS.Even expert shots (most home defenders are somewhat less)will tell you that you will miss a lot from a moving target that is shooting back..GEEEEZ..Well most gun owners know this,so King obama IS NOT FOOLING any of us. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

TRUST THE GOVERNMENT.....with floride,with mandatory shots.This very government dusted towns for experiments .This is the Government that backed the world wide banning of ddt.Tens of Millions have died and are still dying because of this ban.The reasons have long been proven bogus.bird eggs (nope) wildlife suffer because of DDT (nope) Bad for people (nope but the malaria it prevented is)....You think the Government is different today than it was in the 50's,60's,70's......Nope and if you do you are the dope.Since the Government controls media it takes 30-50 years to discover and by that time those responsible are long gone.........TRUST THE GOVERNMENT........give up your guns.....Nope.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

GUN CONTROL.......Bull Shit....the left is making their do or die push.Trying to use all of the media ..Conservatives and gun advocates should concentrate on one and only one question....SHOW US WHERE GUN CONTROL HAS WORKED.  Anywhere,any country,any city.Show us facts. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

proud to show my support for HOBBY LOBBY.Bought 25 dollars worth of stuff I not need.

Friday, January 4, 2013

The ULTRA LIBERAL and best friend of all liberals sold his network for 1/2 BILLION Dollars (he wishes to thank all liberals for making him soooo wealthy) to the Arabs(because they are his even better buddies)...He wanted to sell before year end to avoid the higher taxes.......Hypocrite .A shining example of a socialist,Liberal,democrat that wants to stick it to everyone but himself...You think Obama isn't gathering  wealth ,then you are just ignorant.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

so Al Gore wants to sell his 500 million dollar tv station  to an Arab Nation because conform more to his views than Glen Beck,....Really ?? someone ship his ass over to Qtar where he belongs......How did he get so rich off of empty headed Liberals anyway.